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The education plan envisioned and implemented by Maria Montessori was based on her observation of children in diverse cultures and the required response to their needs. This led her to the conclusion that children have basic behavioral tendencies of exploration, imagination, order, repetition, manipulation, precision and communication.


Geography curriculum is two-fold - physical and cultural.  Physical geography discusses the formation of the universe, the creation of the earth and all its physical properties, including land and water formations.  Cultural geography is the study of human society and culture.  Together, they show the child that we are all members of the human race who must co-exist peacefully in order to survive.


Physical Geography is explored in a tactile and visual manner through the use of color-coded puzzle maps representing the continents and the countries of each continent.  Children learn to recognize the shapes and names of the continents and countries of the world, as well as, land forms.   

Cultural Geography is studied in many ways - flags, boundaries, foods, climate, natural resources, traditional dress, housing, major cities, children's toys and games, stamps, coins,  art, music, traditions, holidays, festivals and history.  Through the study of Cultural Geography they learn to treasure the richness of their own cultural heritage and those of their friends.

Maria Montessori

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